
Sunday, April 16, 2017

CHAMETZ by: me not copyrited

By: Aviad Goldstein

{The Mitzvah in the Torah is to totally free our houses of Chametz, or leavened food. You can’t eat it, see it, nor have it in your possession. Which means no half-eaten sandwiches behind the couch, no cracker corners, no pretzel crumbs, etc… The searching and cleaning that we do during the month leading up to Pesach, all come to a climax when on the 14th of Nissan, the night before the Seder, we light a candle and examine every corner of the house to verify that indeed, it is free of Chametz.

“So what if I have some Chametz-encrusted-build up inside?” You may ask. “Why not just let it be, and I’ll continue to function in my life?” Well you see, my friend, the more Chametz you have, the more of a slave you are. Pesach is called “The Time of our Freedom.” The more I clean out my Chametz, the more I can really be free.} nanachnation.org

So you might be asking “what defines chametz?”
Chametz is "leaven" -- any food that's made of grain and water that have been allowed to ferment and "rise." Bread, cereal, cake, cookies, pizza, pasta, and beer are blatant examples of chametz; but any food that contains grain or grain derivatives can be, and often is, chametz. Practically speaking, any processed food that is not certified "Kosher for Passover" may potentially include chametz ingredients.

After that you're probably asking “what can i eat?”
Well first of all you can eat matza
You can eat fruits and vegetables
You can eat things from potato starch, non gebructs cakes,cookies,etc.
You can eat things from matzo meal (smashed up matzo, kind of like matzo flour)

מה נשתנה הלילה הזה, מכל הלילות. שבכל הלילות, אנו אוכלים חמץ ומצה; והלילה הזה, כולו מצה.
Why is this night different from all the other nights. That on all nights we eat chametz and matza; And this night, all matza.
First of all we don't only eat matzo tonight
But why does it say [chametz and matzah] I mean we don't eat matzo every other night but that's not my point my point is that it says we eat chametz and matza why doesn't it only say that we eat chametz in my opinion it should go like: Why is this night different from all the other nights. That on all other nights we stuff our mouths with only chametz
But on this night we stuff our mouths with matsa and stuff that aren't chametz  
Thank you

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